A Grand Adventure!

The day is through, the crying has stopped, the cheering has died down, and the fire has gone out. You’ve had a few days to get out of the heat, take a cold shower, and get some rest. Now it’s time to look back on the day and share your stories.   But first, a recap… … Read more

The Remarkable Folk of Ravenwood

It was an Unexpected Epiphany for a cynical wizard and his 21st century counterpart.  The untimely death of Meldryn’s twin brother Malcom and its repercussions reached across the centuries in ways that most of you did not know at the time.  I wrote about it on my website, and I hope you’ll click below and … Read more

The Day is HERE!

The day is here! The time has come! Here are a few important things to remember… Please arrive by ON TIME! We will be gathering in the front yard at 4 and walking to the cabin shorty after. We have very limited parking so car pool with others or be dropped off by a parent … Read more

Character Info Needed

Please send me (Mertag) a short message with the following info on your character.  1) A secret that your character has. (This should be something true about your character or something you know that you would not want everyone to know)    2) A weakness that your character has.  (Love of money, loyalty to a … Read more


As many of you know, the enchanting forest of Ravenwood is a mysterious and dangerous land. Outside of town, goblins, trolls, and monsters of all kinds roam freely. However, the forest is also chock full of treasure chests filled with those wonderful shillings and other valuable items. My advice? Don’t leave town alone! Assemble a … Read more

The Day is Fast Approaching

We are officially less than a month away from the very first Ravenwood LARP! Here are some details on the day. The event will be held on June 30th from 4pm to 11pm.  Please arrive on time!! This is very important for this first LARP! Because many people are unfamiliar with the property, we will … Read more