Holiday Letters

The time for Ravenwood’s Christmas festivities is fast approaching- less than two weeks until the day we’ve all been waiting for! Preparations for feasts and games and dances are all well underway. How, you ask, can you prepare for a Ravenwood Christmas? Look no further.

There is a tradition in Ravenwood that goes back years and years. All the townspeople write letters to family and friends in faraway places; folks that they miss, who perhaps they don’t get to see very often. Many adventurers in Ravenwood live far from their loved ones. The tradition comprises of mailing out all the letters at once on the day of Ravenwood’s Christmas Festival.

To join in on the fun, consider penning a letter to your character’s family member, friend, or even enemy and send them the season’s greetings. Include notes about your year in Ravenwood, or reference parts of your backstory that other characters may not know so much about. This will be a part of a character-building quest with different players, so include details about your character, and expect to learn about others!

These letters can be sent to Ada or Mertag to be compiled for our Ravenwood Christmas mail run. Happy preparations, adventurers!

2 thoughts on “Holiday Letters”

  1. This sounds delightful! Are these letters to be penned on real paper and mailed to you or sent to you via this electronic witchcraft on which we now communicate? Can we just bring them with us on the day and give them to you then?

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