Mia Renee Eden
Age: 11
Race: Gillmen
Class: Rogue
Moral alignment:
Place of birth: Gillmeren
Financial status: Just enough to get by
Special Skills: Spying on people, speaking to animals, and cleaning.
Mia grew up an unusually happy child, nothing could get her down. But all of a sudden, one night, she changed. Her joyful and talkative ways turned to hallucinations, voices inside her head, and barely speaking a word to nearly anyone. A few days passed, and Mia disappeared and found herself in Ravenwood. Not much has been heard about her since the first of her sighting in Ravenwood.
Intriguing on many levels! Especially with unknown moral alignment. Will look forward to finding out more about this person. ?
Happy! We must be kindred spirits! I’ll try to help you find your smile.