Zyana Marie

Name: Zyana Marie (Meaning: Blessing from heaven; star)

Race: Fire Genasi

Age: 20

Class: Healer

Alignment: Chaotic good

Zyana Marie counts herself as one of the most fortunate Ganasi this side of the continent. When she was abandoned at an incredibly young age a man known to most only as The Wizard of the Wood, more or less, adopted her.  Although Zyana does not have a drop of magic in her blood, The Wizard was able to help her discover and hone her natural fire “magics” and has remarkable skill and control over it.  Growing up with The Wizard she learned much in the arts of healing. Having never left Ravenwood, she’d love to adventure and explore beyond but she is a bit intimidated by anything beyond Ravenwood.

She loves to make things with her hands.  Things from necklaces to little pieces of furniture for a near by mousling village.  But where she excels most is in tailoring and clothe making. Some have even said she can weave the stars into cloth.  You can find her running a shop in Ravenwood’s small town where she sells the clothes she makes and is more often than not happy to make just about anything upon request.

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